
9mm antique German Czech Art Nouveau lady arts and crafts silver metal dimi picture button "Automne"

9mm antique German Czech Art Nouveau lady arts and crafts silver metal dimi picture button "Automne"
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SKU: 4122-88
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9mm antique German Czech Art Nouveau lady arts and crafts silver metal dimi picture button "Automne". Unusual with the word 'Automne' on the button, the N being in reverse. With a typical Art Nouveau design. Often, you will find Liberty or Tiffany buttons of the same design but made of precious metal. 
For collecting, making jewelry, fashion design, sewing, art and crafting.

Origin: Northern Bohemia circa 1900's
Size: 9mm; 6/16" approx 
Material: Metal Glass
Shank: Metal loop shank

SIZE9 mm
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