
Czech lampwork opaline white flower art glass craft head pin bead stem

Czech lampwork opaline white flower art glass craft head pin bead stem
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SKU: S11 e
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(1) Czech Bohemian silver tone wired hand lampworked realistic opaline white flower glass headpin bead. 
These are wonderful studio art glass headpins made with extremely rare and unusual glass from antique C19th canes.
Each piece has been handcrafted by a highly accomplished lampworker using traditional skills. The C19th antique glass canes that have been used were discovered 10 years ago and are unique glass types that will never be made again due to the constituents of the glass and the level of skill required to work it.
These beautiful headpins can be used in fine jewelry design, for creating art glass installations, floral home decor vase arrangements, crafting and chandelier and lighting design. These were photographed with a darker background and are translucent white.
Although these were complex and time consuming to make, these represent extremely good value. 

Total wire length: 9 inches approx
Bead size: 17mm; 11/16th inch average
Material: antique lampworked glass. wire
Year: 2000's using C19th glass
Origin: N. Bohemia / Czech
Condition: Perfect
Quantity: 1 piece from this bunch


SIZE17 mm
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